Volunteer Opportunities

Want to get involved as a volunteer?

We’d love for you to get involved! Here are just a few of the ways you can help:

  • Gardener
    • Help prepare soil
    • Plant, feed, weed
    • Nurture and maintain plantings
    • Label plantings
  • Docent
    • Guide visitors
    • Explain exhibits
    • Visit schools, give presentations
  • Collections
    • Catalog and process materials 
    • Inventory, data entry, and rehousing 
  • Researcher
    • Background research on various topics
    • Gather and synthesize materials and information
    • Design and write materials for exhibits
  • Information Technology
    • Assist with computers, applications
    • Generate materials, media
    • Manage databases, organize data
    • Design and implement website pages
  • Special Project Coordinator
    • Organize teams
    • Run projects

If you have other ideas where you want to volunteer, please let us know!

To get involved, please complete and submit the form below, describing your interests and availability.