Historical Halloweens

Halloween and “trick or treat”-ing have been around for a long time, and if you go on-line to the many resources out there, you’ll find out some very interesting stuff.  It could have all started with the Celts.  And some sources say that during the Middle Ages (think 1300s to 1500s)   the holiday was called “Hallowmas” and people – both children and adults – went from door to door begging for food and money in exchange for saying prayers for the dead.  It could all be true, at least to a certain extent. 

What I really enjoy are the local tales from long-timers who seemed to have had a lot more fun on Halloween than I ever did!  Huge Halloween parties with people dressed up in homemade crepe-paper costumes, bobbing for apples and making yummy, sticky popcorn balls wrapped in wax paper.  I guess no one was worried about getting hoof-and-mouth disease (aka hand-foot-mouth disease), which the Mayo clinic tells us is highly contagious among children and is caused by “viruses from the Enterovirus genus… (which) can spread from person-to-person through direct contact with unwashed hands or surfaces contaminated with feces.”  Well, maybe there’s a reason why mom never let us do those things… haha 

I know it’s going to be different for kids out there this year, but hopefully, we’ll be back to running from door-to-door next year.  Have a fun, safely-distanced Halloween – there’s plenty of sugary treats still lurking at the store to keep us happy!

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