
Indigenous Peoples – Links to Exhibit and Stories
Personal Stories of the Pandemic
A Program of The Shoreline Historical Museum
In 1918, the peak year of the Spanish Influenza pandemic, the world was taken by surprise
when 100s of thousands of people became ill. World War I was still being fought, and more
soldiers were dying of the flu than were dying in combat. We know from newspaper accounts
that medical facilities were sorely overtaxed, and families were burdened with caring for their
sick and dying loved ones, with caregivers often falling ill themselves.
Today, we know how important it is to record our history during such an unusual time.
We have the opportunity to offer our own narratives of the coronavirus pandemic for posterity.
Let us describe this experience for those who come after us. In 100 years, when the next global
disease comes around, they will be able to look back on our accounts of, and what for many has
been, a desperate time.
Today’s history is a road map to the future, just as the history
of the 1918 pandemic would serve us, if we let it. Fill out our “Personal Stories
of the Pandemic” form, and mail it to P.O. Box 55594, Shoreline WA 98155
or e-mail it to
Pandemic Questionnaire
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